
평등을 향한 아름다운비상

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게시판 세부페이지
제목 [공동생활가정 어울림홈]이용자 모집
관리자 2019-01-18 13:36:07 첨부파일

Recruitment of users in the joint living home home


1. Applicant : Those who are able to handle daily life and personal affairs with disability grade 2-3 .  

2. Offer period : 2019 years 12 Mon 18 until levied from the date of 

3. The offer staff : M Party 1 people 

4. The fee for : January 170,000 won ( deposits 2,000,000 won

5. Location : in Busan Busanjin gayadae 691 beongil 38  

6. Annual Rock Source : 010-6683-6607 

7. Person in charge : Lee Young Sook Social Rehabilitation Teacher


(48821)부산광역시 동구 중앙대로 196번길 12-3, 장애인종합회관 6층   대표전화 : 051-506-5024   팩스 051-506-5059
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